Helloo everyone !!! , first of all i welcome you to my first blog where i share about what i like, my daily and recent activities, lifestyle, stories, thoughts, hobbies, music, arts, culture, and other things ! 

Okay then let me introduce myself , my name is Fatya Nuraini you can call me Fatya or tya. Now i'm an eleventh grader at SMA Negeri 3 Bandung. My recent activities are Studying at school, doing hobbies, and active at a student council or extracurricular  at my school !!!

I really love watching movies, drama , or even talk about them! i also love to music such as Jazz, classical music, pop, and other music genre. I also play guitar and piano! Find out more about me by visiting this blog! thankyou so much for visiting my blog! 

with love,

Wolly (Fatya).


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